How to Clean a Popcorn Ceiling: A Simple Guide

How to Clean a Popcorn Ceiling

Popcorn ceilings, also known as cottage cheese or acoustic ceilings, were popular in homes built from the 1950s to the 1980s. They were designed to hide imperfections and absorb sound. However, they are notorious for collecting dust, cobwebs, and stains. Cleaning a popcorn ceiling can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can keep it looking fresh and clean.

Before You Start Cleaning

Before you start cleaning, there are a few things you need to consider. First, if your popcorn ceiling was installed before the mid-1980s, it may contain asbestos, which is a hazardous material. If you suspect your ceiling contains asbestos, you should hire a professional to test it before attempting to clean it.

Asbestos was commonly used in building materials, including popcorn ceilings, until the 1970s. However, it was not banned in the United States until 1978. If your home was built before 1978, there is a chance that your popcorn ceiling contains asbestos. If you are unsure, you can hire a professional to test the material for asbestos.

Second, before you start cleaning, move furniture out of the way or cover it to avoid adding to your cleaning list. Use plastic sheeting, drop cloths, or tarps to cover items, furniture, and the floors where you will be working. This will help prevent dust and debris from settling on your belongings and make cleanup easier.

Third, always wear protective eyewear, a face mask, and disposable gloves when cleaning a popcorn ceiling to protect yourself from dust and debris. This will help prevent irritation to your eyes, nose, and skin.

Cleaning Popcorn Ceilings for Dust and Cobwebs

For regular dust and cobwebs, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, a feather duster, or a lint roller.

Vacuum Cleaner with a Brush Attachment

  1. Attach the brush attachment to your vacuum cleaner. This will help prevent damage to the texture of your popcorn ceiling.
  2. Set the vacuum to the lowest suction setting. This will help prevent the texture from being sucked off the ceiling.
  3. Gently run the brush attachment over the popcorn ceiling. Move the attachment slowly and in a circular motion to ensure that all areas are covered.
  4. Move the vacuum slowly to avoid damaging the texture. If the suction is too strong, you may need to adjust the settings or move the vacuum further away from the ceiling.
  5. Empty the vacuum bag or canister frequently to avoid clogs. This will help ensure that the vacuum continues to work efficiently.

Feather Duster

  1. Choose a high-quality feather duster with soft, natural feathers. This will help prevent damage to the texture of your popcorn ceiling.
  2. Gently run the feather duster over the popcorn ceiling. Move the duster slowly and in a circular motion to ensure that all areas are covered.
  3. Move the duster slowly to avoid damaging the texture. If the feathers are too stiff, you may need to use a softer duster.
  4. Shake the duster outside or in a trash bag to remove dust. This will help prevent dust from settling on your furniture and floors.

Lint Roller

  1. Choose a large lint roller with a long handle. This will help you reach higher areas without having to use a ladder.
  2. Gently press the roller against the popcorn ceiling. Move the roller slowly and in a circular motion to ensure that all areas are covered.
  3. Replace the adhesive sheet when it becomes full of dust. This will help ensure that the roller continues to work efficiently.

Cleaning Popcorn Ceilings for Stains

For stains, you can use various cleaning solutions depending on the type of stain.

Everyday Stains

For everyday stains like cooking grease or cigarette smoke, you can use warm water and liquid dish soap with a soft, thick-nap paint roller or a soft sponge.

  1. Mix warm water and liquid dish soap in a bucket. Use a ratio of 1:10, water to soap.
  2. Dip the paint roller or sponge in the solution. Wring out excess water to avoid drips.
  3. Gently press the roller or sponge against the stain. Move the roller or sponge in a circular motion.
  4. Wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove soap residue.

Water Stains

For water stains, you can use a water and bleach mix in a spray bottle.

  1. Mix one part bleach to three parts water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the solution on the stain.
  3. Wait 10 minutes for the solution to work.
  4. Wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth.

Challenging Stains

For challenging stains, you can apply paint and primer to cover the stains.

  1. Choose a paint that matches the color of your ceiling.
  2. Apply a coat of primer to the stained area. This will help ensure that the paint adheres properly.
  3. Wait for the primer to dry. This usually takes about an hour.
  4. Apply a coat of paint to the stained area. This will help cover the stain and match the rest of the ceiling.
  5. Wait for the paint to dry. This usually takes about an hour.
  6. Repeat the process if necessary.

Tips for Cleaning Popcorn Ceilings

  • Work in small sections. This will help prevent overworking the texture and make the job more manageable.
  • Use a step ladder. This will help you reach higher areas without having to stretch or balance precariously.
  • Don’t press too hard on the texture. This will help prevent damage to the texture and ensure that it stays in place.
  • Wipe up spills immediately. This will help prevent stains from setting in.
  • Clean your tools frequently. This will help ensure that they continue to work efficiently and prevent the transfer of dirt and debris.


Cleaning a popcorn ceiling can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and techniques, you can keep it looking fresh and clean. Remember to move furniture out of the way or cover it, wear protective gear, and use the appropriate cleaning solution for the type of stain. By following these tips, you can enjoy a clean and beautiful popcorn ceiling.

Milwaukee Clean is a professional cleaning service that has been serving the Milwaukee area for over 20 years. They offer a range of cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties, including house cleaning, move-in/out cleaning, and commercial cleaning. Their team is dedicated to providing top-notch service tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Milwaukee Clean prides itself on its reliable and consistent cleaning services, ensuring that every customer receives a sparkling clean environment.


Q: Can I use a pressure washer to clean my popcorn ceiling?

A: No, using a pressure washer on a popcorn ceiling can damage the texture and cause water damage. It’s best to use a soft brush or sponge and gentle cleaning solutions.

Q: Can I paint over my popcorn ceiling?

A: Yes, you can paint over your popcorn ceiling, but you may need to use a special primer to ensure proper adhesion. It’s best to consult with a painting professional to ensure that you use the right products and techniques.

Q: How often should I clean my popcorn ceiling?

A: It’s recommended to clean your popcorn ceiling at least once a year to prevent dust and debris buildup. However, if you notice stains or discoloration, it’s best to clean the area as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Q: Can I remove the popcorn texture from my ceiling?

A: Yes, you can remove the popcorn texture from your ceiling, but it’s a messy and time-consuming process. It’s best to hire a professional to do the job, as it requires special tools and techniques to ensure that the job is done properly.

Q: Can I use a broom to clean my popcorn ceiling?

A: No, using a broom on a popcorn ceiling can damage the texture and cause dust to fall on your furniture and floors. It’s best to use a soft brush or sponge and gentle cleaning solutions to avoid damaging the texture.


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